Vivity IOL
AcrySof® IQ Vivity® Extended Vision Intraocular Lens that recently received approval by the Food & Drug Administration in 2020. During investigational clinical trials, Vivity patients were able to experience uninterrupted vision at intermediate and distance. The results also showed high patient satisfaction with the Vivity lens implant where 94% of patients reported good or very good vision far away without glasses in bright light and 92% reported good or very good vision without glasses at arm’s length. Seventy eight percent reported less bothersome glares in the vision.
The Vivity lens is the first FDA-approved expanded depth of focus lens implant of its kind capable of delivering a exceptional combination of intermediate and distance vision to patients while significantly reducing the need for glasses with minimal glares after cataract surgery. This expanded depth of focus lens implant is designed for patients with active lifestyles who require the highest quality of vision with minimal dependency of glasses. This would include everything from viewing computer screens at arm’s length and high-quality distance vision in a range of lighting conditions.
Medicare allows patients to upgrade their vision using advanced lens implant technology like the Vivity lens. The standard intraocular lens implant is covered by medical insurance (including Medicare) but assures that you will be dependent upon glasses of some kind, including reading glasses and/or bifocals. The Vivity lens technology is not covered by insurance. Patients are responsible for the out-of-pocket costs associated with the upgraded premium lens implant technology.