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Frequently Asked Questions About LASIK

Enjoy specialized care for your eyes, close to home! Rush Eye Associates is proud to provide comprehensive eye care to residents throughout Eastern New Mexico every week at our Clovis Office. If you're in need of a cataract evaluation, LASIK evaluation, glaucoma management, diabetic eye exam, or dry eye treatment, give us a call at (575) 935-3937 to schedule an appointment. We accept Traditional Medicaid, Traditional Medicare, Railroad Medicare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

  • Myth #1. LASIK cannot treat astigmatism.
    Modern laser technology can treat almost all severity levels of nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Has another eyecare professional told you differently? You should research this for yourself.
  • Myth #2. LASIK is dangerous and can make me go blind.
    LASIK is one of the safest procedures in all of medicine. Many scientific studies have repeatedly proven this and have also demonstrated the high patient satisfaction rates. With tens of millions of cases done worldwide since year 2000, there have literally been zero reports of total blindness caused from LASIK. But, similar to contact lens wear, all medical procedures do involve some degree of risk.
  • Myth #3: There is not much information about the long term effects of LASIK, and it may be harmful to the health of my eyes later in life.
    There is no evidence to suggest that successful LASIK has a harmful long term consequence for the health of your eyes. In fact, LASIK (and laser eye surgery in general) is one of the most prolifically studied topics in the entire field of ophthalmology. There have been over 15,000 publications in scientific journals regarding laser eye surgery dating all the way back to the 1980’s. You should definitely ask Dr. Rush about any concerns that you have about LASIK causing harm to your eyes.
  • Myth #4. The LASIK procedure hurts.
    In many thousands of cases, no one has ever told us that they had severe pain during the treatment. Read “Why am I Afraid of Getting LASIK?” on our LASIK FAQs page for more information.
  • Myth #5. It takes a long time to heal from LASIK.
    Although healing time may vary for each individual person, most people notice almost immediate improvement with LASIK as they are walking outside the building just minutes after the procedure. In fact, many patients will have vision of 20/20 or better the very next day after surgery!
  • Myth #6: LASIK causes dry eye and glares in the vision.
    Symptoms of dryness is not that unusual in the early stages of healing from the surgery, but it is rare for them to persist. Scientific studies have even shown that patients struggling with contact lenses are more likely to suffer from dry eye disease in the long run. In some cases, LASIK may even improve dryness problems that are related to contact lens wear, but patients that already have some degree of dry eye disease prior to LASIK will be expected to have it just the same post-operatively, as the procedure can even be a stressor on the underlying condition. Identifying issues with inadequate tear film allow for us to preemptively and aggressively treat your ocular surface prior to any intervention to correct your vision. We are equipped to detect dry eye disease with our Comprehensive Ocular Health Analysis before offering LASIK as the most appropriate procedure for you. Older procedures with blades (radial keratotomy) and first generation lasers with smaller treatment zones can cause significant glares and night vision disturbances. It is very rare to have these symptoms with newer technology.
  • Myth #7: LASIK is too expensive to be worth it.
    Many people discover that LASIK is a terrific investment for not only their eyes, but also for their lifestyle. You should definitely talk to someone that has experienced this firsthand. There are many financing plans that have made it more affordable than ever. We encourage you to take the time to determine is this is the right investment for you.
  • Myth #8: LASIK is an easy surgery to perform so the surgeon doesn’t matter.
    The surgeon and their experience level matter. Rush Eye is one of the most experienced LASIK centers in the United States. Some patients have the perception that you must go to a big city to find the latest cutting-edge technology or experienced surgeons. With just a little research about Rush Eye, you will discover that it is definitely not the case.
  • Myth #9: All lasers and equipment are basically the same.
    Absolutely not. Just like everything in the medical field, the technology has changed dramatically over the last 20+ years since LASIK was first approved. Take a look at your smartphone today and compare to what it looked like in year 2000 as a flip phone. The new advances in the technology is very apparent. Often times the medical technology in the field of ophthalmology progresses at a rate similar to that of the electronics industry. Unfortunately, there are still many doctors that are not using the latest technology. At Rush Eye, we perform a very detailed analysis to ensure that the specific procedure that we recommend for you uses the most advanced and individually customized technology to meet your goals and optimize your outcome. See why our advanced technology provides superior outcomes.
  • Myth #10: I can get LASIK for as cheap as $220.
    This is obviously the classic “bait and switch” tactic. Read more to see how it works. We respect your time and your intelligence too much to waste your time with a misleading sales pitch. We know that you appreciate transparency with what you will be receiving and its pricing. We don’t offer what we know to be inferior treatments as an option on the table from which to choose, just to save a few dollars. Your vision is too important to you and to us for consideration of a suboptimal or outdated procedure.
  • Myth #11: I am too old to benefit from a vision correction procedure.
    Detailed evaluation with our Comprehensive Ocular Health Analysis will determine the most appropriate vision correction option that is tailored for your specific situation and vision goals. A good starting point is based upon your age: LASIK (Ages 18-50) Cataract & Lens Implant Surgery (Ages 50 to 59) Advanced Cataract Surgery (Ages 60+)
  • Myth #12: I am too young for LASIK.
    We will treat patients as young 18 years old given that their measurements have shown stability. The Comprehensive Ocular Health Analysis will help us make this determination.
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