Enjoy the Best Possible Vision at
Rush Eye Associates
From the latest breakthroughs in LASIK laser vision correction – to recent advances in modern-day cataract care – look to the experience, dedication and expertise of leading eye surgeons, Sloan Rush, MD, J. Avery Rush, MD and the eyecare professionals of Rush Eye Associates. For over three decades, we’ve been helping patients across the Panhandle – and around the United States – enjoy the best possible vision at Rush Eye Associates. Come SEE the difference at Rush Eye Associates, where your VISION is our MISSION.
Next Generation LASIK Laser Vision Correction
Imagine a quality of vision BETTER than you’ve ever seen with your glasses & contacts. Today with our Contoura Vision and Wavelight LASIK procedures, we’re delivering a higher quality of vision than ever before. In some cases, BETTER than 20/20. Come see if you’re a candidate for LASIK by our LASIK Dream Team.

Advancing the Art
of Cataract Care
Thanks to modern-day cataract surgery, we’re now helping people RESTORE their vision and RENEW their lives. Our new lifestyle lenses can help you enjoy clear vision at all ranges. And our out-patient surgery center is the safest, fastest and most affordable method of cataract surgery available today.
Now Offering Lifestyle Lenses That Also Treat Astigmatism & Presbyopia
Our multi-focal Lifestyle Lenses and Toric Lenses are helping patients see NEAR, FAR and INTERMEDIATE with little or no dependence on corrective eyewear after surgery. In fact, we can now customize a lens implant or cataract procedure that is tailored to fit perfectly with your hobbies or lifestyle.

Corneal Collagen
Have you ever been told by an eyecare professional that you are not a good candidate for laser corrective surgery? You may have a disorder of the cornea that can be treated with brand new corneal collagen cross-linking technology. A consultation with Dr. Sloan Rush can help determine the most appropriate medical treatment for eyes that cannot have laser corrective surgery due to an underlying disease or high astigmatism.

"I couldn't be more grateful for Dr. Rush and his staff. I'm living my life in a whole new light."
Tom T.
Google Reviews
What would you do with your visual freedom?
Our vision correction procedures at Rush Eye Associates do more than simply improve the way you SEE. They’ll also improve the way you LIVE! Visual freedom through LASIK laser vision correction or a lens replacement procedure allows you to enjoy the things you love most in life…without the burdens and limitations of prescription eyewear. They’ll also give you the freedom you need for life’s everyday normal activities. Click below to view some of the life-changing stories shared by our patients.

J. Avery Rush, M.D. & Sloan Rush, M.D.
The surgeons of Rush Eye Associates have earned a reputation of eye care excellence in the Panhandle that spans over 40 years. Cataract and refractive surgeon, J. Avery Rush, founded the practice in 1980 as a comprehensive ophthalmology practice specializing in cataract surgery and laser vision correction. In 2010, Sloan Rush, M.D., joined the practice as Amarillo's first Fellowship-trained corneal specialist. Rush Eye Associates has gone on to set new standards in cataract removal, lens implantation and LASIK laser vision correction.

So Many Lives Transformed
Reece McKillip
Having my vision corrected with LASIK at Rush Eye Associates was absolutely an investment…in fact it was a very good investment. I did the math on how long it would take me paying for contact lenses, eye doctor appointments, prescription glasses, prescriptions, frames, lenses for the next 20 years. And there’s no comparison. LASIK is a MUCH better investment and I have MUCH better vision!
Michael Eitzen
My hobbies include hunting, fishing, hiking and being outdoors. LASIK is very important to me because especially as a hunter or a fisherman seeing what’s on the hill, what’s out in the field is awesome and without having to rely on contacts or glasses is great. I hated having to pack an extra pair of contacts or take an extra pair of glasses in case something happened. But I’m going to tell you that with LASIK, I’m in the clear. There’s no stress. It’s SO nice!
Kelly Podzemny
LASIK at Rush Eye Associates was a gift to myself. It was the gift of vision, the gift of clarity, and especially the gift of freedom. One thing I didn't think about going into LASIK was that I've never worn sunglasses because I didn't want to bring an extra pair of prescription sunglasses everywhere I went. Now that I've had LASIK and can wear sunglasses…I'm like, ‘Oh, wow, I can actually see in the sun now!’ So that's a cool LASIK gift that wasn't unexpected
Kami Collins
I’m glad I made an investment in myself. I’m glad I took the time and got over the fear of having LASIK. It was a great investment and I’m proud that I took that step in order to get out there and challenge myself, put it to God and just say, “Okay. This is something I want, and you give me the means and the courage to do it, so let’s go get this done.” Life is most definitely better in focus and I appreciate the freedom I have to live life the way I’ve been able to. I am blessed to have LASIK by Rush.
Michael Gardiner
I already think having the trifocal Panoptix lens implant has been a good investment. I'm glad that I spent the extra money. The simplicity that it's brought to my life - from not having to carry glasses around and being able to do my job so much easier – it just makes life so much easier. I’m still working and need to see well at all ranges without my glasses. I have no regrets at all. It worked out just perfectly for me.
Reece McKillip
The experience with the Rush family is the primary thing that made me choose them. Obviously being local to Amarillo and not having to travel is a good, good upside. My local optometrist recommended them and I wasn't nervous at all about using them with their combined experience and everything. And everybody in my family that has ever dealt with them and anybody else locally, they have an amazing reputation around here.